Tuesday, August 30, 2011

People You Should Watch; Tre' Banks

Being that this blog is ran by current students of Howard University, we love to showcase & highlight our noteworthy peers. Whether you sing, dance, write, act, or promote, if you are doing it exceptionally well, VOGUE | Diaspora wants to display your talents to the world. Tre Banks, who hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a friend of mine & I couldn't help but notice his drive & passion for what he does. I contacted the rising producer & media mogul to do a quick interview. Check It Out Below, & Make a note that Mr. Banks is definitely someone you should watch. . .
"On who Tre' Banks is..."   
"I describe myself as an Executive Producer because I was blessed by the Urban Feed Mag , LLC my own online show that I have full creative control over. I create skits, interviews, and decide what topics I want to cover, and present it as a show entitled "The Conversation Piece". I describe myself as an on-air personality because I am host of every webisode I put out and I do freelance on-camera interviews with different people throughout entertainment for different media outlets. I also describe myself as a host because I have been hosting a number of events, from club parties, house parties, concerts, mixtapes and even certain artist have asked me to host their 10-30 minute sets at concerts. I am willing to expand and host any type of event presented to me, in hopes of building my resume/portfolio in the field.

"On His & Current Projects & Future Plans..." 
"I am trying to build an entertainment umbrella that encompasses myself as a Host/Personality , my show, and music talents. So far I am working alongside one artist from DC by the name of Rahiem Supreme. I handle manager and publicist type duties. So under this entertainment umbrella so far I have myself and an artist which builds the brand of the company which i call "HMP Entertainment".
"I ultimately aspire to be a hip hop staple, someone who is respected and a huge contributor to the culture. A voice that is trusted, while at the same time being a face. I admire individuals like Big Tigger, Amanda Diva, Terrence J, etc. and hope to do something in the same field as them with a Diddy/Dame Dash twist by building a company/platform around me.  Ultimately I walk this road on faith, so I rarely worry about how I will get there; I am just confident I am. . ."
The Conversation Piece Introduction

Bring It Back Music Video

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